Education for any floral designer with a passion to further their career is an essential part of their success. For the American Institute of Floral Designers helping to provide professional avenues to floral design, education is a big part of what we do. To learn more please check out the links below.

  • Design created by Frank Blanchard  AIFD CFD

    PFDE & CFD

    For any floral designer mastering professional techniques and application within the art form is the difference between floral design as a hobby and being able to create a professional career. PFDE (Professional Floral Design Evaluation) and CFD are the starting points to an amazing journey in the floral industry. To learn more click the button below.

  • Design created by Paul Jaras  AIFD CFD


    FFA (Future Farmers of America) with its floriculture and floristry programming is one of the educational avenues our organization of AIFD helps to facilitate. If you are an FFA Student or an Advisor within our NW region and you would like to learn more, click the button below

  • Design created by Lois Hiranaga  AIFD CFD

    As members of AIFD and all our member Regional Chapters, we have an unparalleled wealth of professional knowledge available for you. Between our national parent AIFD organization and our flower family of extraordinary floral professionals. We strive to help you elevate yourself as a professional floral designer and grow your knowledge for an amazing journey with flowers. To connect with our National organization and educational resources. Click the button below