This is new. Welcome.

It all begins with an idea. We have the capacity to move into and merge with technology. This alone is a huge step as a chapter. But, it will evolve and open many doors for us. Even though we cannot be together as a floral family, we will be together apart. I am proud to present this blog for our chapter. And I am also proud to announce that we will be holding once a month get-togethers hosted on google meet. This will give us the opportunity to see eachothers’s shining faces. I look forward to seeing you all there!

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It seems right to have the first blog post written in presidential fashion. I know with the symposium canceled and no events to look forward to we have had to shift our mindset. I have not given up though. I do think we can still make the best out of this situation and see the silver lining in the clouds we might have. Being apart for so long will only make our next symposium even greater. Let’s brainstorm some ideas for a spring event! email me at with any thoughts or ideas you would like to see for this coming spring.

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Our installation ceremony